Daniela Maher, IIDA


Since Daniela started at VCA in 2007, it has been apparent that she consistently applies the same diligence to all phases of a project. Her deep immersion into projects is comprised of a keen observation to detail and documentation from start to finish. What can often be overlooked in the presence of deadlines and important transactions is keeping the client informed of all ongoing developments, a crucial element that Daniela never fails to remember. Always looking for new approaches and innovative creations, Daniela’s conscientious nature and drive for perfection brings about stimulating, quality results for every project she works on.

When not in the office, Daniela spends time with her family, often channeling her creativity into fun activities and adventures for her kids. She believes that a healthy work-life balance fuels her ability to bring fresh perspectives to every task she tackles.

  • Bachelor of Science, Interior Design, Endicott College

  • 17+ industry

    17 with VCA